Gas Shortage & Bed Head
Wow. I just got back from filling up the car. It was crazy at that gas station! Prices have been hitting an all-time high recently at $1.05/litre. Well today my brother calls me up and says that the price has dropped to $0.94/litre. Well, I jump right into my car and head on down to the station. What awaited me was a line-up that backed all the way up into the street. I get into queue and let me tell you, skills at vehicle maneuvering were definitely a necessity! After I filled up, I had to leave the station by driving onto the sidewalk and bypassing all the other cars! From the looks of things, people would assume there's a gas drought or something.
Anyway, with the drama behind me I head on over to the local grocery store to pick up some milk and bananas. Being in a hurry to leave the house, I neglected to cure my affliction of bad hair. The last thing I would expect is to run into an old friend at the store. So there I am, bed head to the extreme, talking to a friend who I haven't seen in a couple years. Being the neurotic that I am, all I could think about is how stupid I must look with my hair up to the ceiling! It was nice seeing her though.
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