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Peg Warming: The Story Of My Life

A peg warmer is an action figure that was over-ordered and is now hanging dusty in some discount aisle. Perhaps it's my sick mind, but I think the term is hinting at something sexual. I make no claims that these posts are interesting or even worthy of your time. Read at your own risk!

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Last Hurdle

On Thursday morning, I had my final thesis defense with my committee. Happy to report that I passed! This means that after I do some minor revisions I am officially finished my Masters program :-)

My presentation for the defense lasted about 20 minutes, after which there was a question period that lasted 40 minutes! Thankfully, all the questions were answered relatively smoothly.

After the presentation, I went home and took a nice deep nap.

I didn't really get much sleep the night before. In fact, Wednesday afternoon I didn't really spend practicing and going over my notes. The majority of Wednesday afternoon was spent at the youth group redecorating and spray painting their office walls.

Let me tell you something, when you're spray painting, the mist goes everywhere...especially your hair! It was all good fun that helped distract myself from the pessimistic thoughts that go through my mind prior to a presentation.


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