Work started to pick up these past weeks, so I haven't really had time to update this blog. I'm enjoying my job as it keeps me busy. Although, I do miss being able to vegg out most days.
A couple friends have had birthdays or are going to have them soon, so I've been going out at night a lot more than I really wanted. I'm not really a bar fly and would rather sit in a coffee shop taking it easy. I find it really stressful on the body to go out clubbing all the time. I usually need a day afterward to recover from the ordeal, so having to do that a lot more frequently these past weeks have been a difficult adjustment. Combine that with more work from my job and it's a bad combination.
I finally got some mileage from my webcam that I bought last month. My friend who moved to HK last year also has a webcam, so we've been catching up via webchat on MSN. It's pretty cool because I get to see and hear him which is a lot better than just typing to him on instant messenger.
Speaking of which, I've been finding myself on MSN a lot recently. Although the same reservations I had about MSN are still true (such as taking 2 hours to talk about something that could have been conveyed in 10 minutes on the phone), I find that since I've been going on MSN more frequently, I've also become closer to some friends which probably would not have occurred had it not been for late night chats on Messenger.
Anyway. It's late now. Time to sleep.