My Favorite Toy
Toys. I have a lot of them. When people see my room they're a little overwhelmed with how many toys I have. I'm not talking about electronic or computer toys. I mean toys as in action figures.
It's not like I went out one day and bought all my toys at once. They were accumulated over many, many years. It's just a little disconcerting if you see it all at once.
Just a couple minutes ago, I was sitting in my room thinking which of these little pieces of plastic was my favorite. I really didn't have to think long because I knew right away: my Freddy Krueger doll.
I can still remember buying it with my mother. I was probably 11 or 12 at the time. We were at the flea market and I saw this item at one of the tables. I had loved the Freddy movies (I still do) but I had never seen a doll of the guy until that moment.
It struck me as kind of odd that a company would produce a doll like this because it would have to be a very twisted parent to buy their kid a doll of a dead serial child killer. It was at that moment of realization that I felt I had to have this doll.
After some convincing by me, my mother agreed to buy him for me. I couldn't have been happier.
Years later, I found out that this doll had actually been in stores prior to me seeing it at the flea market. Apparently some parents complained about it and it was pulled off the shelves. That's why I never saw it in stores. I'm so glad to have found it that fateful day.
Thanks mom!