Thursday, March 31, 2005
Move over Mudflap Girl!

That's right. Mudflap Girl has a brother! This guy can be now be found of t-shirts, hats and postcards. Very cool!
Check out Mudflap Boy's goods here. Available for both men and women.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Easter Weekend and Gay Chat!
I can hardly believe that a week has gone by. I don't feel like I got much work done. I guess my subconscious wanted a break more than I thought! Nothing much written this weekend, but I did do some serious thinking for my discussion section of my thesis. Even though I got stuff done, because there's nothing written on paper, I feel kind of unproductive. I have to get past this kind of thinking.
Anyway, I did have a little fun this weekend. I tried my hand at gay chat rooms for the first time... It was an interesting experience. I met four guys who were really nice. I ended up chatting with them off and on for about 4 hours! It's amazing how many "tops" there are in those rooms. All the guys I chatted with were looking for a "bottom boy"...something that I guess I am curious about trying...though that doesn't mean I don't want to also top!
Glad to see that it was an interracial mix of people I met. Two were Chinese, one Japanese, and one was White. All were a little older than me (average about 29 yrs old) and all live in the Vancouver area.
Topics of conversations invariably shifted from gay lifestyle in general to gay sex. Pics were traded and they were all pretty good looking. I guess it wasn't all that surprising that they wanted to hook-up with me THAT night...
It feels pretty cool that there are actual good-looking people out there who want to get busy with ME! haha Kind of makes me feel a little less lonely. But I'm still holding out for that special someone...
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Results DONE! sort of...
Well, I've handed in a draft of my results section. So far so good! I can't believe how fast it's progressing after hitting a wall a couple of weeks ago. I'm very relieved that SOMETHING is down on paper.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Female "Fishy" Smell Mystery Solved!
I'm always up for strange sexual proclivities...but this is really odd.
Check this girl out and you'll see why I'm glad I'm gay.
I guess this is where that "fishy" smell comes from!
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Reefer Madness...Sort of
I've always been curious about marijuana. Is it as trippy as the film "Reefer Madness" makes it out to be? Having never done any illegal drugs, never smoked, and rarely drank alcohol, I had absolutely nothing but what I had seen in movies to base my expectations on.
Totally of my free will, I tried it tonight with a friend (Don't be a victim to peer pressure kids!) and unlike Bill Clinton, I inhaled. The effects were less euphoric then I had hoped. I actually didn't feel much of anything...although I seemed to be more irritated, but that could have been due to something else.
The whole experience was kind of anti-climactic. I guess nothing could really live up to the hype I was giving it. It's like a highly anticipated blockbuster movie. Sometimes your hopes for a kick-ass flick make an actually pretty good flick seem more disappointing than if you went in without any preconceived notions. Maybe I was just expecting too much from "smoking weed" and this disappointment in effect jaded my experience.
In any case, I think this will be my first and final foray into recreational drugs. It's just not my cup of tea.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Monday, March 07, 2005
In a split second...
Does one embarrassing moment destroy all the coolness that a person has built up over the course of a relationship?
I've always acted professional with my advisor, presenting a cool exterior. Well, today all that hard work went down the toilet.
As I was leaving his office, I swung my rather heavy backback over my shoulder. As I was doing this, my cell phone that I had forgotten that I had placed on top of my bag flew to the ground. As I turn around to see what fell, I lost balance and pretty much fell on the chair. It was really embarrassing as anyone would be able to tell. It was at this moment that I felt I lost something in how I presented myself to my professors. It was a goofy mistake which I'm sure I'll laugh off in a couple days, but as I'm typing this post it's the most embarassing thing I've ever done!
Turn me on, dead man
I have to thank, the incredibly difficult internet puzzle. It brought my attention to a fascinating conspiracy theory involving the Beatles.
Apparently, some say that Paul McCartney is an impersonator. The "real" Paul died in 1966 from a car accident. Some spooky clues hinting at his death can apparently be found in Beatles album art and song lyrics. In particular, a song called "Revolution 9", that when played backwards has the lyrics "turn me on, dead man."
The whole story can be found here. A comprehensive website documenting the entire "Paul is Dead" conspiracy.
Friday, March 04, 2005
This made me laugh
I was watching an old Simpsons episode today. It was about the kids getting with own news show and Bart doing puff pieces called "Bart's people." This one line from Lisa made me laugh out loud. She was jealous that Bart was getting so much attention that she decided to try doing similar "community profiles" stories.
"They want cheap sentiment? I'll pump 'em so full of sap they'll be blowing their nose with a pancake!"
Does anyone else find this line really hilarious?
Project Wideawake

The recent New York ToyFair showcased some really cool figures that I desperately need to get my hands on. This 16-inch Sentinel from Marvel Legends has me drooling! It's sooo freaking sweet! You have to buy 7 individual 6-inch figures to get this big boy. Each figure comes with a chunk of the Sentinel which you assemble. Very Cool!

Thursday, March 03, 2005
I won a contest! Again!
A couple of weeks ago I entered a contest for a dvd prize back from a Canadian Television Channel. Well, today they gave me a ring to tell me I won! Yay!
It's a three-dvd package of:
Donnie Darko (director's cut)
The Good Girl
The Day After Tomorrow
As you can tell, all three movies star Jake Gyllenhaal, who many people think looks like Tobey Maguire. Anyway, the funny thing is they made me answer a skill-testing question. It was pretty simple, but I always wondered why they do this. Would they actually deny you the prize if you answered incorrectly?
According to, it's a requirement of Canadian law having to do with lottery licenses. Interesting stuff. At least now I know.
I seem to have won quite a number of things over the years. Advance screening movie tickets from the local newspaper; cd's the the newspaper; and now DVD prize backs from television stations! HA!
I've even won GAY PORN dvds from websites! I won two times actually, plus I've even won a free month of access to a major porn website!
The thing to keep in mind is that whenever there is a contest, you should always put your name down. This will increase your chances of winning something at least (in the long run)!
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Bit the Bullet
So today after my meeting with my advisor, I stuck around campus in my attempt to "run into" my gay friend which I'll call CMG. We and a couple other friends chatted for half an hour about the Amazing Race and Wife Swap :-)
Anyway, about 5 minutes before his class I got him alone and told him I'm gay:
PW: "I want to tell you something."
CMG: "Sure!"
(5 seconds of silence)
CMG: "What is it? You're starting to scare me."
PW: "I don't know why I didn't tell you this sooner, but..."
CMG: "You are?"
PW: "Yes."
CMG: "That's cool."
It was as simple as that. I didn't even have to say the words. He knew exactly what I was trying desperately to spit out.
I don't know why I was so afraid to tell him. But now that I have, I feel a tremendous sense of freedom.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Social Etiquette
Today I was taking the bus home from school. I sit down and notice that I'm facing someone a girl who I had a class with last term. I don't really know her outside of class but we shared a couple conversations before. Even now I can't seem to recall her name.
In all honesty, I didn't really want to talk to her, but I felt obligated to say "hi" because I didn't want to act like we never met. This was all on the assumption that she had also noticed me. I never really know what to do in these situations. If she's anything like me, all she wants to do is sit quietly on the bus and be left alone...but she's not me...
After a couple minutes, I pretended that I only noticed her at that moment and said hello. We talked for a couple minutes, but I didn't know whether I should have went back to reading. She was also reading prior to my interruption and I didn't want her to feel obligated to talk to me. We ended up talking till her stop (which luckily was not very long).
I hate situations like this. If it was a good friend, I would have no problems talking to them, but for passing acquaintances it's more difficult to judge. Does the other person even want to talk or do they just feel the same obligation to make chit-chat?
Man, I sound really neurotic right now.