This has been on my mind for a while now. Every now and then I peruse the gay discussion forums and there are always talks about Str8 amateur sites such as "Sean" and "Straight College". While I know that the guys on these sites are probably not str8, the arguments that some people put out as to WHY they're not straight seems flawed.
Hypothetically speaking, let's say some of these guys do consider themselves straight. Lots of people would argue that because these guys are willing to have sex with other men for money, they are GAY. "If you have sex with a guy, you're gay," is pretty much their line of thinking.
The problem is what if the situation were reversed? If someone offered me a ton of money to have sex with a girl I would probably do it. It would have to be a TON of money though, not because I am disgusted with girls, but because I don't want to be filmed. If we factor out the cameras and just focus on the sex, I would probably fuck a girl. I can actually see myself doing that one of these day, just to try it out.
Following the logic from the argument presented earlier, would that make me straight? I'm sure there are fags out there that have banged a chick. Would that make them straight? I don't think so. Just because a person is willing to have sex with a particular gender does not mean they would search out sex with that gender, be it men or women.
If a guy is willing to have sex with another guy for money, yet he only picks up women in his everyday life, I would still call that straight. similarly, if a guy is willing to have sex with a women for money, yet only searches out other men in his normal life, I would say he's gay.